*This is a sensitive topic* *If discussing rape and the repercussions of it causes you stress, don't read this post* Rape is something we all know about, but don't want to think about. It is a common occurrence on college campuses to have cases of rape. Many people just brush it off as, oh it wasn't someone I know or they probably were drinking. It's this state of mind that makes the occurrence of rapes become a more normal thing. Over the past few years the number of sexual assault reported has gone up by over 4,000 cases. "T hese results seem to portray a dramatic upswing in sexual violence."-(Project Know) There are tons of sayings like "She should have worn different clothes, she shouldn't have gotten so drunk, she was probably asking for it." It's been my opinion that hearing these statements kind of makes things "ok" in the eyes of some people. These rationalizations make people feel better about hearing these thin...