On any given day, I would like to think that I take a pretty good stab at my homework. But the days go on, and assignments pile up, and two days have passed since and I haven’t finished a single one of them, hardly cracked a dent even. Yet I seldom feel the stress or the anxiety attached to the my admittedly sluggish work speed. Until the 11th hour, when my stomach twists and turns in knots and screams and urges me to just sit down and power through it. And I think to myself: “where was this motivation (read: crippling anxiety) two days ago when I had all the free time in the world?” And then I remember that I scrolled through memes and repeated mantras of cognitive dissonance in my head until I simply forgot that I had things I should be doing. Even now as I sit here at 9PM, twelve hours before the due date (which I’m sure isn’t very long for most people to finish this assignment), I find myself contemplating how this will affect my grade (a lot), how little choice I have in blowing...